Saturday, February 28, 2009


Posturing for her Peeps

Soccer Dad has a recent posting on a predictable “typical anti-Israel boilerplate” rant by Joe Klein. What struck me was this bit from Klein’s piece:

“Clinton is right, for example: Israel's strangle-hold on the Gaza crossings gave Hamas a rationale for its rocketing of innocent Israeli civilians.”

To be fair, I’m guessing Mr. Klein is projecting what he considers an acceptable rationale for the shelling of Israeli civilians onto Ms. Clinton as I don’t remember her ever so formulating such a cause and effect. But he is probably referring to the same item these people are: Jewish Leaders Blast Clinton Over Israel Criticism

“In a swift about face from her views as New York's senator, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is now hammering Israel over its treatment of Palestinians in Gaza…On Thursday, as Secretary of State she had yet another about face in the form of angry messages demanding Israel speed up aid to Gaza. Jewish leaders are furious.”

But what exactly did our Secretary of State say? As near as I can tell, here is an early source for the story:

“Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has relayed messages to Israel in the past week expressing anger at obstacles Israel is placing to the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.” Clinton warns Israel over delays in Gaza aid - Haaretz - Israel News

No cites to speeches, interviews or web site postings but I’ve read/heard no denial of the purported criticisms so I’m inclined to believe that our government did raise the matter. The reason that Klein blurb piqued my interest, though, is because I remember that Gaza is also accessible by Egypt. So what’s going on there?

"Egyptian authorities are continuing to prevent humanitarian aid from crossing the border into the Gaza Strip, according to local sources." Border Politics Slows Aid to Gaza

Egypt briefly opens border for 1,000 to cross from blockaded Gaza

And, of course, the rest of the so-called Arab world continues to act in stark contrast to the evil Zionists;

Arab league: Arab states haven't delivered on Gaza pledges

“The official says the money pledged in mid-January has been held up because of disagreements between rival Palestinian groups Fatah and Hamas about who should receive donations.”

But, by all means, let’s continue to hammer at the Israelis for their reticence in providing aid to a group of people whose primary focus is the extermination of those same Israelis.

Your observation about Klein is right on target. But isn't that the state of "journalism" nowadays, quote someone who or cite a rationale which agrees with you. Then the "reporter" can say, "I wasn't giving my own opinion, I was quoting someone who said it." And of course, he brings no disputant, so we know where he stands. But he just reported things straight didn't he?
Thanks SD - Klein's journalistic bona-fides should have been publicly suspect since his lies surrounding Primary Colors.
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