Monday, January 14, 2008


O'Malley gets tough on energy...

Electricity is in the news again and this time the O’Malley administration is really going to make a difference:

“The blueprint, to be released by the Maryland Energy Administration, will offer 20 proposals to help O'Malley (D) deliver on his ambitious pledge to reduce the state's energy consumption by 15 percent in seven years and stave off rolling blackouts that experts predict could occur in three years. Strong Action Urged To Cut Md. Energy Use

Perhaps one of the proposals to reduce energy usage here in Maryland is to simply use energy elsewhere. This would be an instance of the Governor leading by example: For example, just in the last year, he’s had two trips to Ireland, a trip to NH, a vacation in New York AND a vacation in North Carolina as well as…well, you get the idea – he’s pretty much everywhere forcing other places to use up their energy instead of using up our meager sources.

More here at The Main Adversary. I’m sure we’ll later learn why any increases in electricity costs attributable to this ‘bold’ plan will all be Ehrlich’s fault.

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