Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Wait a minute - the Left wants Libby to go to Jail?

The outrage we are hearing from the Left over the commutation of Scooter Libby’s prison sentence predictably leads many of us to compare and contrast other similar actions by presidents over the years…all in good fun, I assure you. So in that vein:

June 28, 2007: Hillary Clinton at the Democratic candidates’ debate:

“Nonviolent offenders should not be serving hard time in our prisons. They need to be diverted from our prison system.!” Tavis Smiley . Special Feature . All-American Presidential Forums . Democratic Candidates: Hillary Clinton PBS

Four days later:

“This commutation sends the clear signal that in this Administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice." HillaryClinton.com - Media Release

On a more serious note: Soccer Dad: Libby's pardon; Crablaw's Maryland Weekly: The Libby Commutation

UPDATE: Self-Congratulatory Note - The Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto cited this posting in his popular daily “Best of the Web” on Tuesday – for which I am understandably thrilled. Special thanks to Soccer Dad for thinking enough of it to bring it to Mr. Taranto’s attention.

Good catch; James Taranto used it on Opinion Journal. I referenced your article on Common Sense Political Thought.

Looks like you've got a decent site here!
Thank you Dana..and I very much appreciate the reference
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